Once Upon A Time
If you’ve been in the writing community for more than five seconds, I’m sure you’ve heard about how important your first chapter is. There are whole writing courses on how to craft a first chapter. Some editors even offer a service where they critique only your first chapter, and all the hype is for good reason. Your opening volley is what readers see when they use the “Look Inside” feature shopping online, and if they’re browsing a paperback at a physical store, they’ll likely flip to Chapter One as well. If they don’t see something intriguing, they’re probably not buying the book. So today I thought I’d discuss what I, as a reader who also writes, like to see in that all-important Chapter One of a book.
A Sketchy Story
When I sat down to do this blog post my original thought was to talk about how drawing informed my writing.
But the truth is, I’ve been drawing for years, and I know some people —especially my family— are probably wondering why I stopped. Even if you don’t know me, you may have seen the sketch work I’ve done for The Case Of The Cheap Suit Plot and thought to yourself, “Is this guy a writer or an artist?” Why have I chosen to go the writer route instead of the visual artist route?
There’s no short, easy answer. I realize that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks I SHOULD do, only what I want to do. But I want to offer something of an explanation, so I think I’ll address that in tonight’s post.
To Plants Or Not To Plants
Probably one of the biggest points of contention in the fiction writing community is Pants versus skins Plotters. Some swear by pantsing, others claim plotting is the only means to good writing.
Even the world’s most famous authors seem divided when asked about their methods. Many have talked about being a pantser, plotter, or something called a plantser.
Now, no single method will make you a famous author. Whatever works best for you is the method you should use. Knowing the difference between the three will help you to figure out which one that is.
Optimus Prime Is Dead
I grew up on cartoons. My favorites from my childhood in the 80’s were shows like G.I. Joe, Thundercats, The Real Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Silverhawks. There were a couple that I wanted to see more of, but for a family living on Long Island without cable television, I could never catch more than an episode or two of shows like Robotech, Voltron, and The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers.
These shows laid the early groundwork that would become my love of anime. While parents failed to see it, dismissing these shows as big-budget toy commercials (and they were exactly that) the people who worked on these shows did something no one expected. They made stories we cared about.
The Box In The Basement
Ah, the holidays. For those of us who live in the North Eastern United States, it’s the magical time of year that falls between the spooky joy of Halloween and the absolute suck of everything that comes after the New Year.
My family wasn’t what you would call “financially stable.” And this wasn’t any fault of my folks. They always did the best they could for my brothers and me. And Christmas was that time of year when they would go all out.
Santa’s yearly visit was always the highlight of the year in our family, as my parents loved to make Christmas as magical as they could. But I think it was the Christmas of 1989 when everything almost went off the rails.
The Turkey Cometh
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. ‘Turkey Day’ as some of us like to call it. So what does that mean? It means we stuff our faces into a borderline coma while thanking God, the Universe, our lucky stars, or whatever means something to us for our good fortune to be able to do so.
But it means something else too. Something many people dread having to deal with. And I’m not talking about the post-meal BM from eating expired cranberry sauce, or having to decide between the light or dark meat.
I’m talking about having to deal with family.
Story Telling Versus Game Mastering: What’s The Difference?
While I’ve been telling stories in one form or another for most of my life, I didn’t automatically gravitate to writing novels. In fact, one of my first story-telling mediums was tabletop role-playing games.
Many a game master has written a campaign or module for their friends, and after running it, thought, “This would be a great novel.” They set out to write a book based on the epic journey they just went on with their friends. I did it too and I discovered there are a few pitfalls that game masters should be aware of before settling down to write that book.
Art and Writing
One of the beautiful things about writing as an art, is that inspiration can come from many places. It can come from a conversation, the world around us, and perhaps unsurprisingly, from other works of art.
Since I started writing, I’ve noticed that my writing instinct tends to jump into action when I hear a particularly moving piece of music, or I’ll imagine writing the narration as I watch people proceed through even mundane tasks. It also kicks in when I see certain works of visual art. I want to share a couple of those pieces with you, today.
The Joy Of Creation
If you read my first blog post, you know that stories are my passion. My life’s blood. I enjoy crafting, writing, and telling them. And there’s no one part of the process that, to me, is any less fun than another.
I’ve come to discover, though, that I do get a certain satisfaction from seeing things come together. Enter one of my long-time hobbies; Gunpla.
A Whale Happened
When you tell people you’re an author, one of the first things people ask after getting past all the questions about your book seems to be, “So what made you want to write a book?” I figure, since this is my very first blog post I’ll go ahead and answer that.